Monthly Archives: April 2010


I’m sure they are a fact of life BUT, they drive me insane.

Most especially when I have ransacked the house carefully searched through my stash to find just the right yarn for a project, a project where I am writing a pattern. Not something I do frequently, So having chosen 2 likely candidates I wind them and what do you know a knot in each! I’m sure the chances of that are very slim but nevertheless it upset me.

Undeterred I have knit up one pair of Truffles, these are Creme de Menthe, can you see where this is going?

Yarn: Sophie’s Toes

Shade: Table for Two


 There are 2 more pairs on the needles and 40 more yarn options lined up, you think I am exaggerating.

Perhaps then I will get round to typing up the pattern for P-Hop .

 Trouble is I keep thinking I have seen this pattern before, is this how designers feel I wonder.